Verifying your Company on Business Manager

The embedded signup flow simplifies the current WhatsApp signup process, reducing the onboarding period from days to minutes.

Now that your signup has been submitted for approval by Facebook

You can begin your limited trial period using your business account, your WhatsApp Business profile that you created, and your WhatsApp Business number to send a limited number of messages to a limited number of WhatsApp users. For more information on your trial period, access:​

To send more messages and to actually be able to use our service, you need to verify your company.

Follow the Step by Step Below to Verify Your Company:

In order to have a WhatsApp Business account, you must also be a verified company on Facebook, and this is a step between you as a company and Facebook. Company verification is important to inform if the Business Manager account belongs to a company or organization that actually exists.

We will help you to understand Facebook’s requirements and follow all steps to verify your Company’s account.

Access your company’s business page on Facebook, at the following link:​

Click the Business Settings Symbol

Click Security Center > Account verification > Start verification

Start Verification, Enter Your Business Details and Click Next

Select the corresponding business type from the suggestions list or select 'none of these‘ if none of the options fit your company.

If none of the options fit your business type and you have selected ‘none of these,’ you will be required to upload additional documents

Important: After completing your business verification, it will NOT be possible to change your company’s corporate name, address, business phone number, website, or tax identification number

Congratulations! You Have Completed the Account Verification Request Step :)

Now you just have to wait for Facebook to review your request and reply. Once your account is verified, you will receive a notification on your account and also through the email account linked to Facebook:

You can also check if your Company’s account has been verified in two other ways on Facebook:

Access "Business settings > Business Information"


Or access "Business Settings > Business Information"


With a verified Facebook account, your Company can now use our solution normally.

If you have any questions left, please contact our support team at:

Last updated