Correlation ID
Sending the correlation id in order to better identify messages sent.
The “correlation ID” information will not be included in the message text, it will be hidden and used subsequently by the customer to identify the message sent.
In order for it to work, a column must be included in the file intended for the correlation ID.
destination | name | info | ... | correlationid |
55199999999999 | Wavy | company | | campaign_X |
55199999999999 | Movile | company | | campaign_X |
55199999999999 | 1B | company | | campaign_X |
Note: All rows of the Correlation ID column must be filled.
Names that Will Be Interpreted as correlation ID:
"correlationid", "correlationId", "CorrelationId", "CorrelationID", "correlationID", "Correlationid", "CORRELATIONID","correlation_id", "correlation_Id", "Correlation_Id", "Correlation_ID", "correlation_ID", "Correlation_id", "CORRELATION_ID"
Last updated