To send interactive messages we will follow the standard of other types of messages that can be seen here.
If the message type is LIST only the text field is accepted.
"destinations": [
"correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
"destination": "5519900001111"
"message": {
"interactive": {
"messageInteractiveType": "LIST",
"header": {
"text": "Sample text"
"body": {
"text": "Main message text"
"footer": {
"text": "Footer text"
"listAction": {
"button": "button text",
"sections": [
"rows": [
"identifier": "9ab8d65e-d389-4123-b97b-702e658cc9e4",
"title": "August 7, 11:00",
"description": "Saturday, August 7, 2021. 11:00AM"
"identifier": "2051afef-e000-47d0-99a5-7d96c17968b2",
"title": "August 7, 15:00",
"description": "Saturday, August 7, 2021. 3:00PM"
"identifier": "55baac93-a513-45d0-ad9e-2e2271861fc8",
"title": "August 9, 11:00",
"description": "Monday, August 9, 2021. 11:00AM"
"identifier": "e2703f03-689c-4d1e-b0e9-4045d6687605",
"title": "August 9, 15:00",
"description": "Monday, August 9, 2021. 4:00PM"
"alternativeText": "Simple message text"
"destinations": [
"correlationId": "MyCorrelationId",
"destination": "5519900001111"
"message": {
"interactive": {
"messageInteractiveType": "REPLY_BUTTON",
"header": {
"text": "Sample text",
"image": {
"type": "JPG",
"url": "http://...jpg"
"video": {
"type": "MP4",
"url": "http://...mp4"
"document": {
"type": "PDF",
"url": "http://...pdf"
"location": {
"geoPoint": "-22.894180,-47.047960",
"name": "Wavy",
"address": "Av. Cel. Silva Telles"
"body": {
"text": "Main message text"
"footer": {
"text": "Footer text"
"replyButtonAction": {
"buttons": [
"reply": {
"title": "Display Text 1",
"payload": "callback_payload_1"
"reply": {
"title": "Display Text 2",
"payload": "callback_payload_2"
"alternativeText": "Simple message text"
Interactive Message Callback