WhatsApp Messaging via SFTP
Here is the WhatsApp messaging via FTP process.
Connection Details
SFTP (transfer over ssh, providing client-server encryption)
username + password (supplied by our tech support)
It is necessary to add your IPs to our firewalls authorized IPs list!
If it is necessary to get firewall allowance for the port 2222, you must allow the DNS, or the IPs and
This document is intended as a guide for messages sent through the new WhatsApp messaging via FTP format
The file format was based on sending an SMS file via FTP.
Sending HSMs will be possible in this first version.
To trigger messages via FTP, you must generate a file with the formatting in the example below:
HSM Message:
1st line:
Send date (for scheduling cases)
Start send time (for scheduling cases)
End send time (for scheduling cases)
Message type must be: HSM
HSM name (elementName)
HSM language (languageLocale)
HSM language Deterministic or Fallback (languagePolicy)
name of HSM parameters
Notes for the first line:
Parameter names must match the column names
Information that will not be used may be left blank, however you should keep the semicolon as separation. Example of a case where we did not use scheduling (the first fields are between semicolons and have no information within): ; ; ; HSM;chatclub_welcome;pt_BR;DETERMINISTIC;name|company
By default, the languagePolicy will be Deterministic.
The names of HSM parameters should be separated by " | " and not by " ; "
2nd line:
Column names
3rd and remaining lines:
Recipient and values of HSM parameters
Last updated